
SAWAMOTO LAB 澤本研究室 - 名古屋市立大学医学研究科脳神経科学研究所 神経発達・再生医学分野

SAWAMOTO LAB 澤本研究室 - 名古屋市立大学医学研究科脳神経科学研究所 神経発達・再生医学分野

生後脳の新生ニューロンの移動に関する新しい論文が掲載されました。A new paper published in The Journal of Neuroscience

生後脳の新生ニューロンの移動に関する研究の成果がThe Jpurnal of Neuroscienceに掲載されました。

Hirota Y, Ohshima T, Kaneko N, Ikeda M, Iwasato T, Kulkarni AB, Mikoshiba K, Okano H, Sawamoto K

Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 is required for control of neuroblast migration in the postnatal subventricular zone. 

J Neurosci 27:12829-12838 (2007)

The Journal of Neuroscience, November 21, 2007, 27(47):12829-12838

Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 5 Is Required for Control of Neuroblast Migration in the Postnatal Subventricular Zone

Yuki Hirota, Toshio Ohshima, Naoko Kaneko, Makiko Ikeda, Takuji Iwasato, Ashok B. Kulkarni, Katsuhiko Mikoshiba, Hideyuki Okano, and Kazunobu Sawamoto

At the lateral wall of the lateral ventricles in the adult rodent brain, neuroblasts form an extensive network of elongated cell aggregates called chains in the subventricular zone and migrate toward the olfactory bulb. The molecular mechanisms regulating this migration of neuroblasts are essentially unknown. Here, we report a novel role for cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5), a neuronal protein kinase, in this process. Using in vitro and in vivo conditional knock-out experiments, we found that Cdk5 deletion impaired the chain formation, speed, directionality, and leading process extension of the neuroblasts in a cell-autonomous manner. These findings suggest that Cdk5 plays an important role in neuroblast migration in the postnatal subventricular zone.

Key words: Cdk5; neuroblast; migration; subventricular zone; rostral migratory stream; postnatal neurogenesis



Department of Developmental and Regenerative Neurobiology
Institute of Brain Science
Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medical Sciences

1 Kawasumi, Mizuho-cho, Mizuho-ku, Nagoya 467-8601, Japan

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