金子准教授らの新しい論文がMolecular Brainに掲載され、ジャーナルのウェブページで紹介されました。
Kaneko N, Nakamura S, Sawamoto K
Effects of interferon-alpha on hippocampal neurogenesis and behavior in common marmosets.
Mol Brain 13: 98 (2020)
This work has been featured on the journal web page.
大学院生のMariyam Akterさんと金子准教授らの新しい論文が、Cerebral Cortex誌に掲載されました。
Akter M, Kaneko N, Herranz-Perez V, Nakamura S, Oishi H, Garcia-Verdugo JM, Sawamoto K
Dynamic changes in the neurogenic potential in the ventricular-subventricular zone of common marmoset during postnatal brain development
Cerebral Cortex bhaa031
Article (free access):
Electron microscopic images of the dorsolateral wall of the lateral ventricle in one-month-old common marmoset brain. (Left) A neural stem cell (cyan) and clusters of neuroblasts (red) are observed. (Right) Higher magnification view of the primary cilium of neural stem cell.
Immunohistochemistry of Dcx+ migrating neuroblasts (green) and CD31+ blood vessels (red) around the dorsolateral walls of the lateral ventricle in the six-month-old common marmoset injected with BrdU (white) during the first postnatal week. Nuclei are stained with Hoechst 33342 (blue). Right panel shows a higher magnification view of the chain-forming neuroblasts (green) migrating along the blood vessel (red) toward the developing neocortex.